Fairy Lights

Sculpture of graphic reeds in a pond surrounded by sounds of the pond

Old acrylic letters, aerosol, vinyl and plastic gems in a glass dome
20 x 10 x 10cm

This piece was finished in 2021 and sent off to an exhibition in Gippsland. I made sure to package it as neatly and tightly as I could but when it came back after the exhibition it was in pieces; the glass dome was smashed and the letters broken. I did wonder why whenever they showed pictures from the exhibition I could never see it?! I suspect it got broken on the way there.

I kept all the pieces and put it back together with a new dome and added the vinyl lettering that I had originally wanted to add to it, plus the plastic gems were found in the foyer of our apartment several months before I repaired it but I knew I wanted to add them to the piece eventually.